
Mr Torquay is an anxious, agoraphobic man who has withdrawn from a world he finds frightening, chaotic and dangerous. He has retreated to the safety of his basement flat, where the world is how he wants it to be. His routine-driven life is not entirely cut off from human contact. His meagre menu of food is delivered by a friendly delivery man on the same day every week, a sweet neighbour checks in on him and his sister leaves regular worried messages.

But his life is predominantly solitary, and in his isolation he finds his release through an internal life dominated by online computer games and a vivid dream life.

Events from the outside world start to interfere with his solitary existence, but Mr Torquay reacts by retreating deeper into his game world, where he can act out great deeds of heroism and adventure, unlike his day to day existence. But when dramatic and unfolding events in the world at large grow to such an extent that he can no longer turn to his game, Mr Torquay is forced to finally confront the world he fears so much.

Mr Torquay’s Holiday is a dark, surreal and comic drama about how an isolated ‘nobody‘ reacts to the most dramatic events in his-story.


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